Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 5

Larry's Notes are a collectible item in the Far Cry 5 DLC Lost On Mars.

There are 28 notes total and they are all at specific places. Finding all the notes rewards the DLC:Mars Martian Journal trophy. Players will need to find all the notes before completing the antennas and finding all of Hurk's body parts, or it cannot be completed. For players wanting the achievement, it is probably best to wait to find the last antenna or body part until after the notes are all found.

The notes are not marked on the map, but are generally found on metal boxes near structures. When a player gets close to one, a small orange interaction icon will pop up. Click on the note to read it. This will add it to the collection. If the icon is not showing, check to make sure 'world icons' are enabled in the settings.


Far Cry 5 - Larrys Notes - Mr Fix it

Mr. Fix It is located at the top of the Robot Repair Center on a box.

Far Cry 5 - Larrys Notes - I Spy location

The 'I Spy' note is located on the top of a tall tower, directly south of the Bovine Research Center

Far Cry 5 - Larrys Notes - Nothing Comes Easy location

The 'Nothing Comes Easy' note is on top of a box in the sand, west of the Desert in Despair Antenna.

Far Cry 5 - Larrys Notes - Watch the Skies location

The 'Watch the Skies' note is on top of a large round platform, east of the Solar System Observatory.

Far Cry 5 - Larrys Notes - They're Finding Ways location

The 'They're Finding Ways' note is located on the bottom platform of the small tower, north of the Control Center.

Far Cry 5 - Larrys Notes - Losing the Fight location

The 'Losing the Fight' note is located next to an arch structure northeast of the Control Center.
