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This article appeared in Far Cry 3

The M133 is a shotgun found in Far Cry 3.

Far Cry 3[]

« The M133 is a pump-action shotgun with a shorter barrel that disperses buckshot in a wider pattern. It excels at clearing out rooms and hits hard close up. »

In-Game Description

« The M133 is a Russian pump-action shotgun, as opposed to Natasha, who does Russian pump-action down at the docks. The gun was designed for civilian and law enforcement use. These relatively inexpensive shotguns were purchased in bulk by Vaas and his men. »

Survival Guide

Tips and Uses[]

The M133 is the first shotgun the player can acquire in single and multiplayer. It fires more slowly than the SPAS-12, and is weaker and shorter ranged than the 1887. Despite this, it is still an effective weapon at close ranges and easily obtained from killed enemies.

It cannot be fitted with attachments, limiting its capacity of being improved. However, paint jobs for it are available.


The M133 can be acquired in single-player in the following ways:

  • Purchased at a store for $660 at any time after deactivating the first Radio Tower.
  • Unlocked for free at stores by deactivating 5 Radio Towers.
  • Picked up for free (and made free at stores) by picking it up off an enemy.
    • The first mission in which you'll encounter enemies carrying shotguns is mission 8, Prison Break-in.
    • You can also find enemies carrying shotguns towards the eastern part of the North Island.

In Co-op the Privateer Chargers have their SMGs replaced with the M133.

Signature Version[]

« A customized M133 shotgun with extended shell capacity, and custom paint. Enhanced for damage. »

In-Game Description

The Bull is the signature weapon version of the M133. It can be purchased early in the game in Far Cry 3 after the player has discovered 10 Relics. It is the strongest shotgun in Far Cry 3 and comes with an alternate paint job, reflex sights, and an extended barrel, and the Far Cry 4 version also including a suppressor. It also has improved stats which include damage and shell capacity. Signature weapons must be purchased at full price from the shop which is $3,010. The Bull features the best mobility in the game out of all weapons, with the mobility stat bar being maxed.

The power of this weapon comes at the cost of range and rate of fire that can be found in the other shotguns in the game: 1887 and the SPAS-12 respectively.


Paint Jobs[]

The look of M133 could be customized with one of six available paint schemes. Each scheme costs $200 and does not affect weapon performance.


  • M133 is an abbreviated name for the Russian Baikal MP-133 shotgun, which in its original design, does not have an accessory rail on the top. The original pump has also been replaced with that of a Remington 870 shotgun.
    • Even though it is based on MP-133, its appearance is closer to Bekas 12m shotgun.
  • Although the in-game M133 has an accessory rail mounted on top of the receiver, there are no additional sights to be unlocked except by the Bull variant, which includes a reflex sight. There is also neither serial number nor "Made in Russia" text on the left side of receiver in-game. This suggests that the weapons were either produced in Kyrat/Rook Islands, and made for the Royal Army/Vaas's pirates, or were smuggled in, and the serial numbers were filed off in order to prevent border security from tracing them back to an arms dealer, had they been caught. They were mostly stolen to Rook Islands, but might have more likely been bought in Kyrat.
  • All three games that feature the M133 give it an ammo count that suggests it always has a shell in the chamber, but interestingly all three also have an empty reload that explains this. In Far Cry 3 and Far Cry 4 the animation shows the player character inserting one shell into the magazine tube, pumping the action to chamber it, and then loading the rest, while in Far Cry 5 this is changed to holding the action open and inserting one shell through the ejection port, then loading the rest into the magazine tube.
  • A glitch in Far Cry 3 sometime shows, when customizing the M133's paint, a supressor attached, despite in that game, the M133 has no attachments. It can be seen in this video.


  • It can kill most unarmored or lightly armored enemies with a single shot at close range.
  • They can easily be unlocked for free by picking them up from Berserker units.