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This article appeared in Far Cry 4

The M133 returns to Far Cry 4. They are wielded by Army Berserkers, so they're quite common.

Far Cry 4[]

The Far Cry 4 variant of the M133 works almost identically to the Far Cry 3 variant. However, the commonality of the weapon in arena mode, and the close-quarters nature of the mode, as well as the large amounts of animals makes it very good for this mode, capable of easily dispatching many enemies and animals.

The Bull signature returns as well, mostly unchanged save for the addition of a suppressor and a different price (K228,750), and is unlocked for purchase after completing two Bomb Defusing quests. It will dispatch Honey Badgers, Yaks, Bengal Tigers, Rhinos, White Chested & Himalayan Brown Bears with a single shot at 5–8 feet when a Recurve Bow might take 3 to 5 well-placed arrows at the same distance.


  • M133 is an abbreviated name for the Russian Baikal MP-133 shotgun, which in its original design, does not have an accessory rail on the top. The original pump has also been replaced with that of a Remington 870 shotgun.
    • Even though it is based on MP-133, its appearance is closer to Bekas 12m shotgun.
  • Although the in-game M133 has an accessory rail mounted on top of the receiver, there are no additional sights to be unlocked except by the Bull variant, which includes a reflex sight. There is also neither serial number nor "Made in Russia" text on the left side of receiver in-game. This suggests that the weapons were either produced in Kyrat/Rook Islands, and made for the Royal Army/Vaas's pirates, or were smuggled in, and the serial numbers were filed off in order to prevent border security from tracing them back to an arms dealer, had they been caught. They were mostly stolen to Rook Islands, but might have more likely been bought in Kyrat.
  • All three games that feature the M133 give it an ammo count that suggests it always has a shell in the chamber, but interestingly all three also have an empty reload that explains this. In Far Cry 3 and Far Cry 4 the animation shows the player character inserting one shell into the magazine tube, pumping the action to chamber it, and then loading the rest, while in Far Cry 5 this is changed to holding the action open and inserting one shell through the ejection port, then loading the rest into the magazine tube.


  • It can kill most unarmored or lightly armored enemies with a single shot at close range.
  • The M133 is made for close quarters, not for hit-and-run like the SPAS-12 since its low rate of fire will endanger the player if they miss a shot. However, Far Cry 4's Bull signature can be handy for stealthy encounters, as it includes a suppressor.
  • Far Cry 4's M133 has a significantly faster rate of fire when the player is aiming down the sights.
  • They can easily be unlocked for free by picking them up from Berserker units.