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This article appeared in Far Cry New Dawn

The M133 returns to Far Cry New Dawn.

Rusty M133[]

« Pump-action shotgun after The Collapse of civilization? Nothing feels more right. »

The Rusty M133 is the first Shotgun that the player acquires. It's a Rank 1 weapon and quickly becomes of little use. Perhaps due to its decayed nature, the reload is noticeably longer than normal.

Makeshift M133 MS[]

« Now that is a ruggedly good-looking shotgun. »

The Makeshift M133 MS is the second Shotgun that the player aquires. It's a rank 2 weapon and possesses slightly more stopping power than its rusty counterpart.

"Retro Sci-Fi" M133 M[]

« Boom, baby. Part of the Retro Sci-Fi Theme. »

A Paint job variant, dubbed the "Retro Sci-Fi" M133 M appears as a separate weapon, available either as a pre-order bonus or through the season pass.


  • M133 is an abbreviated name for the Russian Baikal MP-133 shotgun, which in its original design, does not have an accessory rail on the top. The original pump has also been replaced with that of a Remington 870 shotgun.
    • Even though it is based on MP-133, its appearance is closer to Bekas 12m shotgun.


  • It can kill most unarmored or lightly armored enemies with a single shot at close range.
  • They can easily be unlocked for free by picking them up from Berserker units.