Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry

The M4 Assault Weapon is an assault rifle available only in Far Cry.

The M4 is the first automatic weapon that is found in the game and will likely become the player's primary armament for much of the early part of the story. A very dependable weapon, it offers decent accuracy and stopping power and a high rate of fire. With careful aim, the rifle can even act as a substitute for the AW50 when assaulting an enemy position at medium-long range, although as it lacks any form of scope it cannot compete with the sniper rifle's ability to engage targets at extreme range. The M4 has a 30-round magazine and can be switched between semi-automatic and fully-automatic fire modes — while full-auto provides the greatest stopping power at closer ranges, switching to semi-automatic makes recoil considerably more manageable, useful for accurate shooting at a distance, although using in short, controlled bursts on full-auto can often have much the same effect.

« Standard assault rifle. Offers high rate of fire and reasonable accuracy over medium range. »

Game manual


The player first encounters M4 in the Training level after a cutscene with Crowe talking to a mercenary. The mercenary wields the rifle and can use it if alerted.

However, the player can only pick up M4 after exiting the bunker. It is carried by the mercenary fishing on the pier. Another specimen of this weapon can be found in the biggest hut.

Far Cry Classic[]

In Far Cry Classic, the M4 has been given a new model and now features an RIS foregrip, as well as a generally more detailed model. Like all non-scoped weapons in Far Cry Classic, it is now possible to use the weapon's iron sights for more accurate shooting.


  • Despite its in-game name, the assault rifle in the original Far Cry is not actually an M4 — the real-life M4 has a removable carry handle, most easily identified by the two prominent screw knobs at its base where it affixes to the weapon. The rifle in Far Cry lacks these, and in fact appears to be modelled on the earlier Colt Model 727. The new model used in Far Cry Classic does have these screws.
  • The AR-16 in Far Cry 2 is based on the same AR-15 system as the M4.
  • Its firing sound has been used in other games as well, it was reused in Far Cry 3 when Hoyts privateer shoots at civilians in the mission “A Man Named Hoy“.
    • It was also used in Grand Theft Auto 5’s prologue mission cutscene, were one of the 3 protagonists (Trevor Phillips) shoots a Carbine Rifle at the police.