Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 6

The Médico is a Supremo item in Far Cry 6.


« Fight smarter. Self-revive and rapidly heal yourself and nearby allies over times - great for Co-op. »

In-game Description

« I'll tell you a secret - when I was in Casablanca busting a child trafficking ring, I dressed as the superhero called Dr. Medico the whole time. And just like him, I made all the ladies feel better. »

Juan Cortez


-No need to wait for the ambulance anymore because now you are your own personal field medic!

-When activating this Supremo's ability, Zone Medicina, a large cloud of restorative gases are released that double the rate of health regeneration, making for a real quick fix if no Health Packs are available or the standard Healing won't work in time. This even extends to other allies including a co-op partner, ensuring all benefit.

-The standout advantage comes when playing solo. When critically injured, if the Supremo charge is full when that last bit of damage hits, rather than an instant death Dani can activate Zone Medicina and revive themselves with the added health regeneration for a second chance to turn the tables.


Acquire the rank of Espia (4) to purchase from Juan for Depleted Uranium.


  • "Médico" in Spanish translates to "medical".