Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 5

Cayson Walker, better known as Moses, is a character and squad mate of Cowboy in Far Cry 5's Hours of Darkness expansion.

Hours of Darkness[]

Moses appears to be a religious family man, since in the beginning of the DLC, he says a prayer as he looks at a picture of what is presumed to be his wife, son, and daughter. Moses along with the rest of his unit had their helicopter shot down behind enemy lines and were subsequently captured. He was being detained at an NVA Ghost Village Camp until he was rescued by Cowboy.

In-game Moses uses a M60 Lmg. This can be powerful and great for gurellia combat. Placing him in cover and letting him suppress the enemy for sneak attacks.


  • Moses wears and prays to a crucifix, implying he may be Christian, Catholic, Lutheran, or Anglican.

