Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry New Dawn This article appeared in Far Cry 6

New Eden was prophesized by Joseph Seed and built by him after the Collapse at the edge of a radiated Bliss zone. The Security Captain is initially rejected by the New Edeners, but Joseph's apparition leads them to another location. If they venture further north, the Blisszone kills them within a few breaths


Notable loot[]

Name Quantity Used for
Cra gear Gears 6x Crafting Weapons


  • 2x New Eden Note
  • Notes for a New Song
  • A Prayer Letter


The location is accessible via Helicopter before the completion of The Prophecy. New Edeners are present, but won't be bothered by you. The Judge stands inactively behind the entrance.


Joseph: Collapse[]
