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Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 5

« John Seed's "Power of Yes" billboard is a real eyesore in the scenery. Maybe remove it? »


No Means No is a story mission in Far Cry 5.


After the successful liberation of Dutch's Island, the Deputy can take notice of the massive billboard positioned on the northern mountainside of Holland Valley, John Seed's personal monument to his "Power of Yes." Taking it down will send just about the most powerful message he can hear.

Either zipping up in there in an aircraft or boldly walking the entire way up, the Deputy begins explosively demolishing the glittery billboard, urged by Dutch over the radio to make a complete work of it by erasing the entire structure.

With the "Power of Yes" dealt a heavy blow, the Deputy receives a radio call that the nature of depends on their prior actions, mainly if John himself still remains:

  • If The Atonement is not started/completed
    • Dutch comes back over the radio and jeers "That'll piss off John real good. Fuckin' sign was an eyesore. Glad you took care of it."
    • John gets on the radio afterward and grimly and angrily remarks "When this little uprising is over, you'll rebuild that piece by piece. You'll work until your fingers are worn to the bone. And when you're done I'll bury you beneath it."
  • If Wrath is completed
    • Dutch comes back over the radio and congratulates the Deputy on their work, lamenting that he would have liked to have witnessed John's reaction to the destruction of his treasured word.

Tips & Tricks[]

  • The most obvious solution to this mission is to find a helicopter equipped with at least miniguns, if not rocket launchers. An airplane works as well, though you may have to make more than one strafing run to fully destroy the billboard.
  • If lacking a proper aircraft for use, a handheld rocket launcher and/or grenade launcher can do the trick just as fine. (You can find a rocket launcher and some rocket ammo leaning against the west-most post support of the "E", but it may not be enough to completely clear all of the sign.)