Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki
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Overview Far Cry 3 Far Cry 4 Primal Far Cry 5 New Dawn

This article appeared in Far Cry New Dawn

Outposts are fortified locations in the post-apocalyptic Hope County, which are held by the Highwaymen. They can be liberated by killing all enemies to produce ethanol. There is the option to scavenge it, which produces more ethanol, but the Highwaymen take back control of it. Reclaiming will be more difficult as they are now heavier fortified. You can scavenge and retake each outpost as many times as you want.

List of Outposts[]


Liberating outposts yields a basic amount of ethanol and carbon fiber according to the difficulty. Additional ethanol is gained if the Highwaymen didn't detect you or at least raised no alarms. Outposts can be scavenged for additional ethanol. Consult the following table for more information. You also gain Perk-points or parts of special outfits. Scavenge and retake outposts as many times as you want to complete the outfits as each run gives only one part or perk points.

1st run 2nd run 3rd & consecutive runs
Ethanol 100 200 300
Ethanol No Alarms 25 50 75
Ethanol Undetected 50 100 150
Carbon Fiber 5 15 20
Scavenge Ethanol 50 100 150

