Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki
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Overview Far Cry 3 Far Cry 4 Primal Far Cry 5 New Dawn

This article appeared in Far Cry Primal

Outposts in Far Cry Primal act like they do in Far Cry 3 and Far Cry 4. However they have no alarms, but warning horns. Additionally, Udam or Izila Warners carry their personal horn. Each Outpost covers an area where Udam or Izila tribespeople will spawn. When liberated you will gain XP and Citizens, the camp will become a fast travel location and less enemies will spawn in the region.

List of Outposts[]


  • Kapal Outpost
  • Swaras Outpost
  • Twarsha Cave Outpost
  • Nasan Horn Outpost
  • Ring Wall Outpost
  • Piki Meat Outpost
  • Snow Shwalda Outpost
  • Platu Cave Outpost


  • Payska River Outpost
  • Tushwarha Outpost
  • Nada Swamp Outpost
  • Kaba Blade Outpost
  • Rotten Lake Outpost
  • Kwacha Stone Outpost
  • Fallen Tashla Outpost


  • If all the horns are destroyed and Warners killed, you have avoided reinforcements.
  • The Horns are white marked and can be spotted by the Owl.
  • If you have killed the Warners and get spotted, the regular troopers will sound the horn and call for reinforcements.
  • Because of the large amount of troopers, you are recommended to use Mammoths or bigger tamed animals like Cave Bears, Bears and Sabretooths.
  • You can recognize the outpost by the drumming tones and smoke clouds.
  • Some outposts have Chieftains which they can be hard to take out. Make sure the Heavy Takedown skill is unlocked or ride on a Mammoth in order to take care of them easier.
  • Use your Owl to drop Berserker Bombs, these will make the troopers insane and fight eachother, thus reducing the number of enemies and projectiles needed to eliminate them.