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This article appeared in Far Cry 5

The P08 is a semi-automatic light weapon that appears in Far Cry 5 and its Arcade mode.


« This semi-automatic's sleek design and accuracy make this pistol the choice by countless Hollywood villains. »

In-Game Description

The base model, the P08 appears in Far Cry 5 as a sidearm-capable handgun.

The P08 can be fitted with a suppressor, extended magazine, and a skin.

Notably, it lacks the ability to affix an optical sight, making it iron sight-only. It is important to remember this when using the Suppressor Cylinder, as the suppressor will obscure the front sight post, making long-distance aiming relatively difficult.

P08 "Pastel Power"[]

« Don't let the cutesy look fool you. This gun is a real heartless SOB. »

In-Game Description

The personal reward from the Heartbreaker Live Event, the Pastel Power is the unique variant of the P08.

Having a pink heart pattern motif, the Pastel Power is perfect for giving your love to a companion. Whether or not the love you give them is the gun itself, or a 9x19mm NATO round is a different story.


« The classic P08, now with a longer barrel, extra wood detailing, and better options for sight attachments. »

In-Game Description

A long-barrel variant, the P08-L trades a point of handling for an optical mod slot. The P08-L can be fitted with a Reflex Sight, Red Dot Sight, or Optical Sight, making it easier to hit marks at longer ranges.

While the handling penalty makes the standard P08 a better contender for close ranges, the P08-L's optical sight will easily come in handy at ranges where iron sights are difficult to use.


  • The P08 is based on the German version of the Luger Pistol, notably the Pistol Model 1908 (P08), from which it takes its name.[1]
  • The Luger featured in game is a WW2 model, as suggested by the marking "1941" on the toggle.
  • Like the majority of the handguns in Far Cry 5, using the Cylinder Suppressor obscures the front sight post, making aiming at range difficult. The fact the P08 can not be fitted with an optical sight makes this even more of an issue, as it further increases the difficulty of long-range aiming.
  • Unlike many other previous event weapons, a standard variant of the P08 was not added to the game immediately at the end of the event; instead, it was added several days later, on 12 July 2018.
  • In the sense that the Pastel bio is using it, SOB is a derogatory acronym for "Son of a bitch".
  • The name of the P08 in Far Cry New Dawn, "It's a Tarp" is a pun on the memetic Star Wars quote "It's a Trap!"
  • A long-barrel variant, the P08-L was added in title update 11.[2] Its appearance is based on a carbine version of the Luger with the wooden stock removed, the barrel and foregrip somewhat shortened, and using the same sights as the P08.
  • Both a unique (Regalo de Clara) and overclocked (Serenity) version of the P08 are present in Far Cry 6, however no basic variant of the weapon is available.


  1. 2018 June 30, Wikipedia: Luger Pistol. Retrieved 2018 July 3.
  2. 2018 September 29, In-Game Appearance.