Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 4

« Destroy the Pagan's Wrath convoys that roam Kyrat seeking retribution for the Outposts you liberated. »

In-game description

"Pagan's Wrath" are spontaneously generating side mission in Far Cry 4.


Ajay Ghale had to destroy and kill a Royal Guard/Royal Army heavily armed convoy whenever an outpost is liberated from Pagan Min control, hence their name.

In southern Kyrat, the convoys are 3 DShK-mounted technical cars driven by 6 Royal Army Assaulters.

In northern Kyrat, the convoys are 3 MKG -mounted technical cars driven by 6 Royal Guard Assaulters.

Their convoys would roam around the map in circular routes around regions with Fortresses under their control, blasting the same propaganda heard in Bell Towers. Unlike normal Royal Army and Royal Guard, Pagan's Wrath convoys actively kill everything on their path, including Kyrat civilians and Sherpas as well as non-hostile animals. Their aggressive stance of course get them into trouble with animals such as Asian Rhinos and Elephants.

Bugs & Glitches[]

  • There is a glitch, where Pagan's Wrath convoys don't spawn.

This can happen, when you overwrite a save file with the convoys destroyed. There is no known fix. It can be prevented by deleting the old savefile before starting a new one.
