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Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 5This article appeared in Far Cry New Dawn

Perks are a form of progression in Far Cry 5 and Far Cry New Dawn. Unlocking perks determines the type of playstyles that are available to their character. To unlock a perk, players must earn and spend Perk Points. Perk Points can be earned through completion of missions, special events, and the finding of special items including Perk Magazines. In Far Cry New Dawn one also receives 1 Perk Point for liberating hostages.

Far Cry 5[]

In Far Cry 5, Perks come in five categories. Those categories are:

  • Survivalist - Increases player's heath and defense. Also increases rewards from plants and animals.
  • Renegade - Increases proficiency in heavy arms, travel, and repair.
  • Assassin - Increases the players proficiency in melee combat, stealth, and lockpicking.
  • Prepper - Allows the player to carry more ammunition or weapons.
  • Leader - Provides perks for Guns/Fangs for Hire.
Image Name Type Cost Description
Ico perk 006 Human Fish Survivalist 1 You can swim faster and hold your breath under water longer. Also works in arcade. 
Ico perk 008 Fisher King Survivalist 4 Fish will tire more quickly. Also unlockes new types of flies in the Fishing Rod slot of the utility wheel, for catching heavier fish. 
Ico perk 003 Repair Torch Survivalist 5 The Repair Torch is added to your utility wheel. Use it to open safes or to repair vehicles. 
Ico perk 007 King of the Jungle Survivalist 6 Reduced animal attack damage. Predators (except Judges) prioritize nearby enemies over you. Prey animals flee less from you. Also works in Arcade.
Ico perk 010 Black Market Survivalist 6 Craftable remote explosives. proximity explosives. molotovs. pipe bombs, sticky upgrades and special ammo are now available to buy at all shops.
Ico perk 009 Harvest Master Survivalist 8 Double your loot reward from plants and animals.
Ico perk 001 Health Boost 1 Survivalist 6 Your maximum health is increased to 150%.
Ico perk 002 Health Boost 2 Survivalist 7 Your maximum health is increased to 200%. Health Boost 1 required.
Ico perk 051 Health Boost 3 Survivalist 8 Your maximum health is increased to 250%. Health Boost 1 and 2 required.
Ico perk 052 Health Boost 4 Survivalist 9 Your maximum health is increased to 300%. Previous Health booth ranks required.
Ico perk 018 Parachute Renegade 1 Unlocks the parachute. Deploy by holding down (spacebar PC) while you are falling.
Ico perk 019 Wingsuit Renegade 4 Unlocks the wingsuit. Use it by pressing (Shift PC) and switch between parachute and wingsuit in mid-flight allowing you to cover more distance.
Ico perk 053 Airdrop Renegade 10 Unlocks the option to arrive by air drop when you fast travel to a location.
Ico perk 016 Vehicle Buster Renegade 7 Bullets will do more damage to vehicles. Works best with armor piercing ammo. So let •em have it! Also works in Arcade.
Ico perk 011 Weapons Pro Renegade 6 Reload. aim, and switch SMGs and shotguns faster. Sway and bullet spread are reduced. Also works in Arcade.
Ico perk 013 Heavy Weapons Mastery Renegade 6 Reload. aim and switch LMGs. launchers and the flamethrower faster. Sway and bullet spread are reduced. Also works in Arcade.
Ico perk 005 Auto Repair Renegade 6 All vehicles you drive will automatically repair themselves. Also works in Arcade.
Ico perk 012 Rifle Mastery Renegade 7 Reload. aim, and switch rifles and sniper rifles faster. Sway and bullet spread are reduced. Also works in Arcade.
Ico perk 014 Saboteur Renegade 7 Approach a vehicle's hood and hold ('E' PC) to set it on fire and make it explode 10 seconds later. Also works in Arcade.
Ico perk 015 Booby Trap Renegade 7 Approach a vehicle's hood and hold (CTRL PC) to make it explode on the next collision. Also works in Arcade.
Ico perk 029 Grapple Assassin 1 Unlocks the Grapple Hook. Deploy by holding down ('E' PC?) while you are looking at a grapple point.
Ico perk 024 Nimble Fingers Assassin 4 It is now quicker to craft items. sabotage or booby trap vehicles. disable alarms. and open safes. Also works in Arcade.
Ico perk 021 Sneaky Sprint Assassin 4 Move much faster while still staying crouched. Also works in Arcade.
Ico perk 025 Master Blaster Assassin 5 The amount of components needed to craft remote and proximity explosives is reduced by 50%.
Ico perk 030 Takedown Mastery Assassin 6 Unlocks chain, melee throw and sidearm takedowns. Takedown range increased.
Ico perk 028 Primal Mastery Assassin 6 You can reload, aim, and switch bows and slingshots faster. Also works in Arcade.
Ico perk 027 Close Combat Mastery Assassin 6 Melee weapons are more sturdy. Reload. aim. and switch handguns and melee weapons faster. Sway and bullet spread are reduced. Also works in Arcade.
Ico perk 026 Locksmith Assassin 6 Stealthily lockpick safes and doors that do not requires a key card with ('E' PC).
Ico perk 023 Throwback Assassin 7 Throw back incoming projectiles like grenades or dynamite when you see (MMB PC). Also works in Arcade.
Ico perk 022 Ghost Assassin 7 You make less noise when walking. sprinting. and landing. Falling damage is also reduced. Also works in Arcade.
Ico perk 041 Close Combat Gear Bag Prepper 1 Carry more handgun ammo and melee weapons. Also works in Arcade.

Max Handgun ammo increased to 80.

Max Melee Weapons increased to 9 of each.

Ico perk 047 Journey Pack Prepper 7 Carry more items in your inventory, including up to 5 medkits. Also works in Arcade.
Ico perk 042 Tactical Ammo Bag Prepper 8 Carry more SMG and shotgun ammo. Also works in Arcade.

Max SMG ammo increased to 216.

Max Shotgun ammo increased to 55.

Ico perk 044 Quiver Prepper 8 Carry more normal, incendiary, and explosive arrows. Also works in arcade.

Max Normal Arrows increased from 13 to 25.

Max Special Arrows increased from 5 to 8 of each.

Ico perk 043 Rifle Ammo Bag Prepper 9 Carry more rifle and .50cal ammo. Also works in Arcade.

Max Rifle ammo increased from 150 to 270.

Max .50cal ammo increased from 10 to 25.

Ico perk 046 Throwables Bag Prepper 9 Carry more explosives, throwing knives, and bait. Also works in Arcade.
Ico perk 048 Special Ammo Bag Prepper 9 Carry more armor piercing.incendiary ammo and special rocket launcher ammo. Also works in Arcade.
Ico perk 045 Heavy Ammo Bag Prepper 9
  • Carry more LMG. flamethrower. rocket launcher and grenade launcher ammo. Also works in Arcade.
  • Max LMG ammo increased from 160 to 400.
  • Max Flamethrower ammo increased from 300 to 500.
  • Max Rocket Launcher ammo increased from 4 to 8.
  • Max Grenade Launcher ammo increased from 12 to 20.
  • Max Shovel Launcher ammo increased from 4 to 8.
Ico perk 049 Additional Holster Prepper 8 Carry a third weapon of any type in your weapon wheel.
Ico perk 050 Weapons Collector Prepper 9 Carry a fourth weapon of any type in your weapon wheel. Requires Additional Holster perk.
Ico perk 032 Boomer Leader 4 Boomer returns faster after being injured.
Ico perk 033 Sharky Leader 4 Sharky returns faster after being injured.
Ico perk 034 Peaches Leader 4 Peaches returns faster after being injured.
Ico perk 035 Jess Leader 4 Jess returns faster after being injured.
Ico perk 036 Grace Leader 4 Grace returns faster after being injured.
Ico perk 037 Hurk Leader 4 Hurk returns faster after being injured.
Ico perk 038 Nick Rye Leader 4 Nick Rye returns faster after being injured.
Ico perk 039 Adelaide Leader 4 Adelaide returns faster after being injured.
Ico perk 040 Cheeseburger Leader 4 Cheeseburger returns faster after being injured.
Ico perk 031 Leadership Leader 6 Unlock an additional slot in your squad to let you play with two Guns for Hire in single player. (Requires 3 unique specialists hired)

Far Cry New Dawn[]

In Far Cry New Dawn, there is a similar Perk-System as in Far Cry 5. Some Perks are upgradeable an indefinitely number of times, while others require another perk before they are acquirable. After the mission Joseph's Secret you gain 5 additional New Eden Perks.

Basic Perks[]

Image Name Type Cost Description Requires
Perk-Grapple Grapple Basic Perk 2 Hold ("X" PC-Controller) to attach a grapple to a grapple point. Fall damage is reduced. -
Perk-Repair Torch Repair Torch Basic Perk 3 Adds the Repair Torch to the Weapon Wheel. Repairs vehicles, cracks open safes, and burns enemies. -
Perk-Wingsuit Skydiver Basic Perk 3 Press ("LS" PC-Controller) to use a wingsuit while falling. Fall damage is reduced. -
Perk-Fishing Rod Fishing Rod Basic Perk 2 Adds a fishing rod to your Weapon Wheel. -
Perk outdoor-ent Outdoor Enthusiast Basic Perk 7 Prey won't flee as easily. Fish are easier to reel in once hooked. Fishing Rod
Perk-Binoculars Tactical Binoculars Basic Perk 4 Press ("Cross up" PC-Controller) to equip binoculars to tag enemies more quickly, from greater distances, and in a wider radius. -
Perk-hotwire Hotwire Basic Perk 4 Automatically disables booby-traps on Highwaymen vehicles. -
Perk mechanic Mechanic Basic Perk 6 Reduces weapon overheating on machine guns. When in a vehicle, it will slowly repair itself. -
Perk lockpick Lock Picking Basic Perk 6 Hold ("X" PC-Controller) to pick locks on doors and safes. -
Perk-Saboteur Saboteur Basic Perk 8 Hold ("X" PC-Controller) to explode vehicles after 10 seconds. Hold ("Y" PC-Controller) to explode vehicles when they hit an obstacle at high speeds. Hold ("Y" PC-Controller) to explode alarms and mounted weapons when used. -
Perk-Covert Covert Basic Perk 8 Decreases noise level when moving. Increases movement speed when crouched. -
Perk dexterity Dexterity Basic Perk 7 Accelerates reviving, consumables crafting, sabotage, disabling alarms, and opening safes and supply drops. Press ("RB" PC-Controller) to throw back incoming dynamite. -
Perk-Locked&Loaded Locked and loaded Basic Perk 5 Reload weapons while aiming smie-automatic handguns or sniper rifles. Press ("Y" PC-Controller) to switch to the last equipped weapon more quickly. -
Perk-Lung capacity1 More Lung Capacity Basic Perk 2 Increases hold breath duration while sniping and while under water. Increases sprint duration. -
Perk-Lung capacity2 More Lung Capacity Basic Perk w/Additional Ranks 3 Increases hold breath duration while sniping and while under water. Increases sprint duration. Rank 1
Perk-fist0 More Fist Damage Basic Perk 3 Increases fist and kick damage. -
Perk-fist2 More Fist Damage Basic Perk w/Additional Ranks 4 Increases fist and kick damage. Rank 1
Perk-Takedown1 Advanced Takedowns Basic Perk 7 Press ("RS" PC-Controller) to Takedown Rank II enemies. During a Takedown, press ("RT" PC-Controller) to throw melee weapons at a nearby enemy. -
Perk-Takedown2 Expert Takedowns Basic Perk 8 Press ("RS" PC-Controller) to Takedown Rank III enemies. During a Takedown, press ("LT" PC-Controller) and ("RT" PC-Controller) to shoot with your sidearm. Advanced Takedowns
Perk-Takedown3 Master Takedowns Basic Perk 10 Press ("RS" PC-Controller) to Takedown Elite enemies. During a Takedown, press ("LS" PC-Controller) to perform another takedown an an adjacent enemy. - Expert Takedowns

- Prosperity Level 3

Perk-well-armed Well-Armed Basic Perk 2 Carry a third weapon. -
Perk-heavily armed Heavily Armed Basic Perk 4 Carry a fourth weapon. Well-Armed
Perk-medkits1 More Medkits Basic Perk 3 Increases carry amount for medkits -
Perk-medkits2 More Medkits Basic Perk w/Additional Ranks 4 Increases carry amount for medkits Rank 1
Perk-melee1 More Melee Weapons Basic Perk 3 Increases carry amount for Melee Weapons. -
Perk-melee2 More Melee Weapons Basic Perk w/Additional Ranks 4 Increases carry amount for Melee Weapons. Rank 1
Perk-throwables1 More Throwables Basic Perk 3 Increases carry amount for Explosives, Throwing Knives and Bait. -
Perk-throwables2 More Throwables Basic Perk w/Additional Ranks 4 Increases carry amount for Explosives, Throwing Knives and Bait Rank 1
Perk-lightammo1 More Light Ammo Basic Perk 3 Increases ammo carry amount for Handgun, Shotgun, SMG, Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle, and Arrows. -
Perk-lightammo2 More Light Ammo Basic Perk w/Additional Ranks 4 Increases ammo carry amount for Handgun, Shotgun, SMG, Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle, and Arrows. Rank 1
Perk-heavyammo1 More Heavy Ammo Basic Perk 3 Increases ammo carry amount for the LMG, RPG, Grenade Launcher, Flamethrower, and Saw Launcher. -
Perk-heavyammo2 More Heavy Ammo Basic Perk w/Additional Ranks 4 Increases ammo carry amount for the LMG, RPG, Grenade Launcher, Flamethrower, and Saw Launcher. Rank 1

New Eden Perks[]

After the mission Joseph's Secret 5 additional New Eden perks are available. Each of them offers unique and superhuman abilities. 2 require so called "Eden's Gift", a new game-mechanic, which is stylized as a yellow bar under the health bar. Activating them drains this bar and the perk ends once it it fully drained. The bar regenerates automatically, but additional perks can increase this.

Image Name Type Cost Description Requires
Perk leapoffaith Leap of Faith New Eden Perk 7 Press ("A" PC-Controller) while in mid-air for additional jump height Joseph's Secret
Perk ghost Ghost New Eden Perk 7 Hold ("B" PC-Controller) to temporarily become much harder to detect by humans. Consumes Eden's Gift Joseph's Secret
Perk wrath Wrath New Eden Perk 8 Hold ("RS" PC-Controller) to temporarily increase speed, melee damage, reduce damage taken, and be immune to knock-downs. Consumes Eden's Gift Joseph's Secret
Perk edenstouch Eden's Touch New Eden Perk 8 Takedowns replenish Eden's Gift and health, and loot victims automatically Joseph's Secret
Perk edensgift Eden's Gift New Eden Perk 8 Increases the regeneration rate of Eden's Gift Joseph's Secret
Perk edensgiftrank Eden's Gift New Eden Perk w/Additional Ranks 8 Increases the regeneration rate of Eden's Gift Joseph's Secret, Rank 1