Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 3

Piece of the Past is the sixteenth mission of Far Cry 3.

Jason finds a hit man named Buck who is holding his friend Keith. In exchange for Keith, Buck wants the Asian ceremonial dagger, the same one that Citra needs. Jason boards the Nostalgia to try to find the location of the knife, and instead finds an ancient compass. His intrusion on the ship is detected, which causes the Nostalgia to self-destruct and start sinking. Jason barely makes it to the surface before the ship explodes.


With no choice, Jason will have to retrieve an long lost knife to earn his friend's freedom. But all is not what it seems.


  • Exit the cave.
  • Go talk to Buck.
  • Infiltrate the Nostalgia.
  • Find the entrance.
  • Infiltrate the Nostalgia.
  • Find the laptop in hold of the Nostalgia.
  • Hack the laptop ro find the knife.
  • Backtrack to escape the boat.
  • Escape from the Nostalgia.

