Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 5

Pooper Scooper is a Prepper Stash in Far Cry 5.


This stash is located in a house at the Silver Lake Summer Camp southwest of Drubman Marina and northwest of Peaches' Taxidermy in Henbane River.

Finding the Stash[]

The note outside the house mentions a key being purposely fed to one of the dogs inside the building as revenge against the cultists. The only way into the building is through a boarded window above a scaffolding. Climb up to the window and go through it. Now for the fun (and most gross) part. Interact with each pile of faeces until the key is found. Leave the building and locate the stash in the 2nd cabin.


1 Compound Bow

3 perk magazines

1 body armour

7 stacks of money

1 first aid kit

3 frag grenades

1 chest of crafting material
