Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 5

« June 20th, 1976, with the realization that there are no gas stations on Mars where he might procure dodgy supplements, Clutch Nixon - a stuntman as wise as he is brave - was down to his last vials of wolf testosterone and grizzly bear urine. He mixed the two potent ingredients and injected the concoction, known as a Montana speedball, directly into his heart. Instantaneously, he felt the rush of pure masculine energy. With a clenched jaw matching the biting force of of 10,000 crocodiles, he leapt off the cliff and traveled at speeds that not even the God Mercury could match. To this day, the stunt called Premium Rush has never been repeated by any mortal or immortal man. »

Martian Plaque near the Midnight Mountains Mining Station

Premium Rush is a Side Mission in the Far Cry 5 DLC Lost On Mars.




1,000 Hemoleum.
