Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 6

« ... My name is Raiza and I will help you steal... »

Raiza Martínez is an exporter from Libertad, she is a guerrilla present on the "Isla Santuario" friend of Clara and Juan Cortez, she led the mission "Uranium or Death" together with Juan where she also gave the order to Dani Rojas to kill Gabriel Alvarez

A note reveals Raiza's name

"List of potential Libertad sympathizers

Arresting and interrogating

Benito Menguez would seem to be a kind of non-useful village chief.

Harmosa Rodriguez suspected to provide food to the warriors Javiero Perec bets against our patrols in the village There is a rioompens for the capture of corporal Raiza Martínez Our sources say he is still sulfiscla. A month of license and a medal to whatever catches it."


  • Raiza is a ex volunteer FND as she tells Dani after they met.
  • Raiza is also seen during the attack on the Quito blockade.
  • Raiza has her own abandoned camp on Isla Santuario.