Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 3This article appeared in Far Cry 4

Rebel Rocketeers are ally long range explosive support fighters working for the player's faction.

Far Cry 3[]

They are never seen in the story, only the map editor, when playing a level with them present they act like pirate rocketeers. They use the Rpg as their main weapon and switch to an A2000 smg for close range. Their aim isn't perfect and takes a while to aim before firing.


Rakyat members armed with the rpg all have the same look of a dark skinned shirtless man with tattoos with a white bandana on their head, white fabric going around their body and pants while having footwraps. They also have a small bag carrying rockets on their back,this isn't present in multiplayer.


Like with snipers the players should distract the enemy to allow these guys to get to work, they can easily take out enemies in good cover, groups, or in/near vehicles. However it's best to stay away from enemies as they might be the targets and the player can get blown up.

Far Cry 4[]

Golden path has armed some of their members with Rpgs and A2000 smgs for close range, they work at long range and easily destroy any vehicle. They're also very effective against the stronger enemies, the Royal Guard, due to their instant kill explosions. Their aim however isn't perfect and take some time to aim before firing.


All Rocketeers of the golden path are female soldiers, wearing the same uniform as defenders, with their vest most likely being flak vests to protect from explosions. They also have a small bag for rockets though no rockets are seen on their back. They can also have varieties with different haircuts and faces.


To have them be very efficient you must distract enemies away from them, they'll easily blow up enemies in cover, groups, or near vehicles. Don't go near enemies since they'll get you blown up. They also work good at close range due to their smgs.

