Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 4

"Reclamation" is the fifth mission in Act Two and the eleventh mission overall in Far Cry 4.


Ajay talks to Amita about the opium shipment, she thinks that securing the factory and the fields will be helpful to Kyrat's economy after they win the war, Ajay goes with Amita's plan to capture the factory and heads over there to secure it.

Once the fields are secured and the waves of Royal Army are dealt with Sabal will call Ajay condemning his act and the mission ends.


Upon arriving at the factory the player must eliminate all enemies in the area and protect the poppy fields, there are half a dozen Royal Army soldiers mostly being Royal Army Assaulters as well as a few dogs, there are also two alarms on both sides of the main factory building.

Once the player secures the area Golden Path soldiers will come to aid Ajay in protecting the area, Royal Army soldiers will attempt to burn the fields in order to prevent them from falling into Golden path hands, Assaulters and Berserkers will try to lay suppressing fire while Molotov throwers torch the fields, the player must wipe out the enemies and turn on the sprinklers incase the fields catch fire to stop the fire from spreading.
