Far Cry Wiki
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This article appeared in Far Cry 3

« The recurve bow packs a big punch for such a low-tech weapon. It is useful for hunting both man and beast, and can be outfitted with explosive or flaming arrows. »

In-Game Description

« These bows were used by Huns, Greeks, Turks, Howdy Doody, Dick Cheney--if a civilization kicked ass while on horseback, they probably had recurve bows. Today’s recurve bows are made of fiberglass or carbon instead of wood and are more durable and reliable. »

Survival Guide

The Recurve Bow is a special weapon found in Far Cry 3.


It becomes available after activating any of the three radio towers.

The Recurve Bow kills any enemy (except Pirate Heavy Gunners, Privateer Heavy Gunners, Privateer Heavy Flamers, and anything like a cassowary or bigger) with one arrow.

It is capable of killing enemies silently using a variety of arrows at medium-long distances. The weapon is useful in most scenarios as it seems capable of both anti-personnel and anti-vehicle damage types.

It can be fitted with one of three Arrows, normal arrows, fire arrows, or explosive arrows, each of which is acquired through crafting. It should be noted, however, Fire and Explosive Arrows are not unlocked until later in the game. Out of the three arrow types, only the Standard Arrow is indestructible, which means you can retrieve your arrows and reuse them indefinitely. It is worth noting that while Explosive Arrows provide a significant blast radius, their actual destructive power is slightly weaker than an ordinary grenade, meaning that destroying some vehicles will take two or more hits.

Arrow quivers can be crafted from various animal hides, in order to allow the player to hold more arrows at a time.The extended arrow quiver allows you to carry 30 normal arrows and 10 explosive or fire arrows. In Far Cry 4, the maximum for normal arrows is increased to 50.

Exploding arrows can be used to score instantaneous kills on enemies, making the recurve bow with explosive arrows an expedient means of liberating outposts "undetected" without too much difficulty.

In single player you can purchase sights for the bow, one of which is a Marksman Sight with four crosshairs ranging from fifty meters, eighty meters, and one hundred meters. The second sight that can be purchased for the bow is the Red Dot Sight which appears as a bright red dot without a red outline, this allows for the bow user to use the bow for a more up-close-and-personal method of eliminating targets in silence. The Bow is more like a shoot and scoot weapon - if in area with more enemies, try to kill one and then quickly relocate. Make sure when using this tactic, to have distance, height and/or cover. It is not recommended for close combat.


Paint Jobs[]

The look of Recurve Bow could be customized with one of six available paint schemes. Each scheme costs $200 and does not affect weapon performance.


Platform Control Action
PC Right Mouse Button (Hold)
Left Mouse Button (Hold)
Left Mouse Button (Release)
Draw Arrow
Release Arrow
Cancel shot
PS3 L1 Button (Hold)
R1 Button (Hold)
R1 Button (Release)
Square Button
Draw Arrow
Release Arrow
Cancel Shot
Xbox 360 L-T (Hold)
R-T (Hold)
R-T (Release)
Button "X"
Draw Arrow
Release Arrow
Cancel shot