Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 4

Royal Army Assaulter Is an enemy in Far Cry 4. They are the most common enemy in the early stages of the game. They are identified by their red do-rags and AK-47s. They also use 1911 while on vehicles. They use basic battle tactics, take cover very often, and can do serious melee damage if the player gets close in combat. They are quite easy to kill, and work in small groups. Their elite variant is the Royal Army Assaulter Commander. Above them are the far deadlier Royal Guard Assaulters. They Take 2-1 Bullet To Take Them Down.


  • Their uniforms are both old Indian army uniforms and old Chinese PLA uniforms, dyed with different colors. Letters in Chinese and Hindi are still visible on their uniforms.

