Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 4

The Royal Army Defender Commander Is the most basic of the Commanders around southern Kyrat. Aside from appearing in missions and fortresses, during random events they appear as assassination target in a group from Beheaders to Heavy Gunners, they can also appear alone with arrested civilians whom the player can rescue in random Karma events. 2 of them can be found in Varshakot fortress. Like the Heavy Gunner Commander, they wear red helmet and gold colored armbands. Cpl. Satish Nath wore the same uniform as them. They fight better than the original Defenders, and is a bit stronger. They fight with AK-47s, but also use 1911s while on vehicles. They are not in northern Kyrat where their role is taken by Royal Guard Defender Commanders.


  • They’re known to have the rank of Lieutenant and Corporal, implied by the Assassination Karma Event, and Longinus missions respectively.
  • You can only spawn them in the Map Editor through the use of Mods.


