Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 4

RPGs Soldiers armed with RPG-7s. The rockets are very powerful, but they are slow to line up their shots, making them vulnerable. They will often maintain a distance in order to fire their rockets. However, if encountered at close range, they will switch to an A2000, making them somewhat less dangerous and easier to fight. However, while on vehicles, they can perform drive by shooting using their A2000, which is more dangerous than 1911 and D50 from other types of soldiers.

Visually, they look similar to Royal Army Defenders, with body armour and helmets, but in actuality they have the same amount of health as the unarmored Royal Army Assaulters. Their rockets can destroy a vehicle in one hit, making it a poor choice to use a vehicle mounted turret if they are operating in the area. They are only active in southern Kyrat, in the north their role is fulfilled by the stronger Royal Guard RPG Shooter.

