Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 6

« Stay outside and make sure no one interrupts us... check the bedroom... »

FND officer Sergeant Savón was the replacement of Sergeant Síngao, he was in charge of managing the problem that was Petra Toca in Conuco.

« What a shit place... Hola, I'm Sergeant Savón ... »

Dani Rojas will have to listen hidden in the ceiling to the whole discussion between Petra Toca and Sergeant Savón to try to understand where Petra Toca's daughter and her boyfriend were.

« ... I talked to one of your peasant friends, first she didn't want to talk then we played Russian roulette, the last thing she said is Toca works for Libertad ... »

After this sentence, the sergeant points the gun at Toca by pulling the trigger, Toca starts screaming but the gun was unloaded, so Savón revealed that his daughter is in the Fernando Valley in Juantorena, Savón also killed Señor Juantorera.

if Dani does not interrupt the conversation Toca will start to be desperate , Savón wants her and will shoot, but at the signal of Toca "Banana" Dani should save Toca's life by shooting Savón and his soldiers.

The daughter Gloria was in Juantorera.


"Ordered and typewritten letter

Eyewitnesses confirmed the cooperation of peasants with guerrillas Investigate suspicions and determine the extent of their support. It is preferable that they survive and be re-educated as outcasts for forced labor, but you are authorized to use any means necessary to arrive at the truth."


  • Sergeant Savón is a very serious and extreme person as noted in the interrogation.
  • Loyal to the FND.

