Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 4

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Shanath is a location and town in south Kyrat in Far Cry 4. It is famed for the Shanath arena and initially under the control of Noore Najjar, later liberated by Ajay Ghale during the events of Far Cry 4. Shanath is also home to a shop known as "The Jewel of Kyrat".

Shanath arena[]

Main article: Shanath Arena

The Shanath arena is an arena originally built in 1759 to distract the people from their disagreements with the monarchy, initially showing elephants and tigers fighting to the death. It was built by King Avinash. In Far Cry 4, fights to the death are fought here between multiple opposing teams. Ajay Ghale can participate in the fights, gaining ranks as he progresses through the arena.


  • In the beta, Shanath was originally named "Naccarapur" Why it was renamed is not known.

