Sharpshooters are mercenaries specializing in long-range combat. Usually found on high vantage points, with their increased perception they can be deadly enemies. They are usually associated with snipers, but can also wield a Rocket Launcher and assault rifles.
They are not too resistant to gunfire; however, their locations can often make them difficult to hit as some guard towers are covered with parapets.
The rocket mercs can be the player's worst nightmare. They can wreak havoc with their rockets as soon as they spot the player. For this reason, they should be one of the player's priority targets.
If the player meets rocket shooters at a short distance, as when climbing up onto their tower or engaging them without them having a clear view of the player, they will immediately open fire which often results in their own death.
Physical description[]
Sharpshooters are recognized by their black uniform. In the level Boat and on Pagao many of them can be seen wearing helmets, usually black but occasionally (in Swamp) green. Snipers may wear sunglasses. Sharpshooters tend to be bald, although they often do have hair. Light-skinned people constitute the majority of all sharpshooters, but some dark-skinned rocket shooters can be seen in Boat.