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This article appeared in Far Cry 3

« This small machine pistol rapidly fires low caliber rounds with minimal recoil. It can be also be used while on a zipline. »

In-Game Description

« The Czechs make great puppets, pornography, and this sub machinegun, which has been helping Eastern European gangsters practice the fine art of “spray and pray” since the summer of love. Most of the VZ61s found on Rook Island were purchased from a Libyan arms dealer second-hand, meaning you trade two hands, you get a gun. Don't ask me what he does with the extra hands. »

Survival Guide

This low-calibre machine pistol is an effective weapon for a new player. Its low cost makes it effective with a sound suppressor for stealth missions and it may be useful for players later in the game being the only SMG that can be fired while on a Zipline - although the number of times when the player is faced with enemies while riding a Zipline is minuscule and doubtfully justifies carrying around the weakest SMG. The Skorpion is unlocked for free use after deactivating 2 Radio Towers.


The Skorpion is a great SMG for how early it is unlocked. It has decent damage, fire rate, and magazine size. However it should be noted that unlike the sub-machine guns like the A2000, that this weapon is treated like a machine pistol in-game. Because of this, it should not be used outside of close range.

Paint Jobs[]

The look of Skorpion could be customized with one of six available paint schemes. Each scheme costs $200 and does not affect weapon performance.


  • With low damage, range and accuracy, this weapon is best used for close combat or as a panic weapon. The Skorpion quickly loses to higher grade firearms as they become available.
  • The Skorpion is the only automatic weapon that can be used on a zipline.
  • Its rate of fire is viciously high, so extended magazines are highly advisable.
  • It's also one the three unusable SMGs for the AI in the game, the other two being the MP5 and Vector .45 ACP.

