Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far CryThis article appeared in Far Cry 5This article appeared in Far Cry 6

The Smoke Grenade is a tool present in Far Cry that serves as a good tool to use in aiding with the traverse through open areas. The grenade provides a protective smoke screen which obscure enemies' visibility in a limited area and decreases the chance of the player being targeted while moving.

It is best used in areas where there is not much cover, like roads, bridges and open plains and when moving from building to building in a heavily guarded enemy camp. The disadvantage of using the smoke grenade is that the player is unable to see where the enemy is moving, so it is best to use the CryVision Goggles or scout the area using the Binoculars beforehand.

Most enemies also use smoke grenades, notably the berserkers and charger classes. Allowing them to come closer and deal massive damage.

« Smoke creates cover anywhere. »

Game manual
