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Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 5

« Kim is about to give birth. Put the pedal to the medal and get her to a professional! »


Special Delivery is a side story mission in Far Cry 5. It takes place in John Seed's region of Holland Valley at Rye & Sons Aviation. The quest giver is Kim Rye. Holland Valley will need to be liberated first in order to unlock this mission.


  • Check on Kim
  • Drive to midwife's house


Once Holland Valley is liberated, Kim will call on the radio asking the Deputy to stop by the house. After arriving, it is revealed that Kim is about to give birth and needs a ride to the hospital. Nick tasks the Deputy to drive them to the Hope County Clinic. This is a timed event with checkpoints along the way. As with other timed events, passing checkpoints will add a small amount of additional time. Obviously, due to Kim being on the verge of giving birth while in the car, take it easy and watch for obstacles including animals hay bales, and other obstacles that appear on the road. There are other diversions as well. Overall, a rather fun and not too difficult mission.

Once the Deputy successfully drives Kim and Nick to the hospital, moments later, Kim gives birth to a baby daughter, with the Deputy being named as their godparent by Nick. Kim thanks the Deputy for everything they've done, and promises that her and Nick will always be there for them.


  • $700
  • Rye and Daughter upper body clothing.
  • Trophy/achievement Special Delivery.