Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 5

« Destroy Jacob's communications satellite dishes. »


Static Frequency is a side story mission in Far Cry 5. It takes place in Jacob Seed's region of Whitetail Mountains. Players will need to liberate the PIN-K0 Radar Station to unlock this mission. The quest giver is a female resistance fighter.


Destroy the satellite dishes


After liberating the PIN-K0 Radio Station, there is still concern that the satellite dishes on the rooftops are still broadcasting to the enemy. The player is asked to destroy them. The mission is simple in that the player just needs to climb to the roofs and take the dishes out. Shooting them will not work, so use grenades or other explosives. The cult will attack with helicopters and fighters during this mission.


100 Resistance Points, $800
