Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry Primal

Worshipped by Ull and his Udam tribe, the Stone Mother is an early fertility statue that the Udam seek blessings from. Believing that only she can save them from the “skull fire”, and freezing cold that is tearing them apart. Ull’s cavern is decorated with her. Being guarded by a carved statue at the entrance, and with places of worship dedicated to her inside of the temple. It is unclear how the Udam first came to worship the statue, whether by tradition, or simply out of sheer chance that something good happened “because” of her.

An animated statue of her can be seen in the "Vision of Ice" mission. Many of the udam are praying to her, and begging for her to rescue them from the icy hell they live in. Ull & various other udam are heard saying “why do we keep dying?”. Showing off their confusion to their goddess, and wondering why she refuses to help them. Takkar himself says “stone woman does not hear their cries” during his vision of ice, and both he & tensay wonder why the udam protect & worship the statue. Even though she offers no help to them, sick & dying trapped in the icy wasteland of the north.

There is a place in the game named after her - Stone Mother Camp that Dah sends Takkar to. A tribal shaman lives there, and she produces bone dust to provide the udam relief from skull fire. The very disease that is killing off his people, and one that causes intense cranial pain.
