Suxli is the Izila sun goddess who they worship and sacrifice Udam and Wenja by burning them alive. An Izila warrior named Krati (Batari's Son) tried to lead a rebellion against the Izila tribe and their cruelty but ended up being burnt and scarred for Suxli. His ashes were most likely scattered in the Izila marshlands. When Wenja blood is on her fields, Suxli blesses the Izila.
Location Altar of Suxli
Loading screens:
"Izila devote their lives to the sun goddess Suxli - giver of life and bringer of fire."
"The Izila worship the moon god Mensos, who was scarred and exiled to darkness for angering the sun goddess Suxli."
"The Izila sacrifice their enemies as offerings to the sun goddess Suxli."
Mission description:
"Izila are sacrificing Wenja captives to their sun goddess, Suxli. Free the captives. Stay undetected or the hostages will be killed. Rescued Wenja will join your village and increase the population."