Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 5

Swingers is a prepper stash in Far Cry 5, which is located under the Bridge of Tears in Holland Valley. The grapple is required to complete this stash. 


The starting point is on the table right before the bridge. Players will need the grappling hook perk unlocked to complete this as intended. Use the zipline to get to the scaffolding.

Look right and locate the first grappling hook point. Use the points to cross the bridge by jumping in-between them while in the air. Continue to the wooden platform. Over a small metal beam you can find a note, keep walking forward and do a 180 degree turn and walk onto a wooden platform which will break under your feet, and you will land down in the stash.


  • Find the stash.