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Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 6

The Triador is a Supremo item in Far Cry 6.


« Use the Oluwas' power to mark enemies in cover and, combined with the La Varita rifle, shoot through walls. »

In-game Description

« I don't believe in magic, but I can't deny results. I want to shake the hands of the crazy bastards who made this, before I kill them and steal the design specs. »

Juan Cortez


-While both are useful on their own, this Supremo is at its best as a package deal with its partner, the Resolver weapon La Varita. A match made in the untamed wilds of nature.

-In conjunction with the weapon, when its ability, Truesight is activated, all enemies in a wide radius are revealed while the environment around darkens to make them stand out. The rifle on the other hand gains the ability to hit any enemy regardless of cover or being inside vehicles like tanks and helicopters, makes the newly-dead body vanish into smoke, and significantly increases the abysmal reload time of La Varita. This super-stealth mode does however run on a timer, so make the most of it by killing any and all advanced enemy types.

-If for whatever reason you decide not to complete the pair, Truesight still serves a practical purpose, acting similar to a Perception Grenade with a much bigger range that can cover an entire Outpost, but at the cost of needing to be recharged to be used again.


Complete "Triada Blessings" in Quito on Isla Santuario.


  • This is the first and only Supremo that wasn't designed by Juan, a fact referenced in his commentary.