Far Cry Primal Guide[]
This community discusses Far cry primal, an open world game, it will contain many details and tips on it for later use
A Beast Masters Guide to Far Cry Primal This is a full, extensive guide on Far Cry Primal intended to assist everyone from new, casual players to more experienced ones. I even included some speedrunning tips. This guide was made with the help of some great members of the Far Cry community, with special thanks to Jack, Rapora and Chiefsupreme for information regarding speedrunning.
Part 1, Introduction:[]
For a basic premise, Far cry Primal is a survival/stealth/action game set in the stone ages. You take the role of Takkar and must fight your way through Oros, a region inhabited by many hostile tribes. Before we do anything, we take a look at the main menu. In here you can customize the basics of any game, from controls to even some gameplay mechanics. Navigate the menu and switch things to your liking. For difficulty, the game has 4 main difficulties which are easy, medium, hard and expert, for casual players who wish to get a decent challenge I suggest you try medium/hard, as for people willing to go all in, the expert difficulty offers a great and fairly difficult experience. There are two other options that can increase the difficulty which are permadeath mode and survivor mode, explained here.
•Survivor mode: Stamina is now a gameplay mechanic, requiring you consistently collect resources in order to perform many actions. Resources are more scarce, some skills are locked and tamed beasts can no longer be revived from death. This must be turned on in order to play permadeath mode.
• Permadeath mode: a mode that, obviously, means you only have one life in your quest to beat the game. If you die, it's game over, and you must restart from the beginning. The game does offer a second chance mode, 1+ life for every 3%/4% you gain extra.
• Once you choose your preferred difficulty, it's time for the main game. I'll now discuss some basic tips every beginner, regardless of difficulty, should know.
•Enemies in Primal : Human, somewhat Human, and Animal • In this segment we will focus on introducing the skill system, weaponry, and world to the player. First of all, enemies. Primal features three different types of enemies, the Udam, Izila, and of course lots of different predatory animals.
The Udam:[]
- Udam: These Neanderthal enemies can be found in the northern part of the map. Like other Far Cry games they have many different variants such as archers with bows/throwing spears, warriors with clubs, chieftains, as well as Scourges, Udam that wield berserk bombs and sling shots. For the archers and Scourges, it is best to stay at range. Use your beast to attack them as well as ranged weapons. While shooting them, try not to stand still as their aim is only accurate when you are not moving. For warriors try to throw shards at them, flank them and hit them in the back or use spears to kill them instantly. Chieftains are powerful enemies with tough armor, so melee combat is not advised. They are rather slow, so keeping your distance is a much better strategy. Use berserk shards, traps, bombs and spears to kill them.
The Izila:[]
- Izila: This tribe of Homo sapiens, found in the southern half of the map, has many of the same variants as the Udam, however they are a bit more difficult to deal with. The Izila often utilize fire so always try to have your fire resistance booster on when you want to fight them. Use the same strategies as the Udam variants but be careful of their unique ability to throw fire bombs. Their chieftains are particularly powerful and use fire, so it is best to use your berserk shards on them. finally, the nature in this game has a lot of dangerous predators that require different strategies. Each type has unique weaknesses.
The beasts:[]
- Starting with the tier one animals, we have:
- Canines: These include dholes and wolves. They are weak predators that typically hunt in packs, usually in pairs or in a squad of 4. The most effective way to defeat them is with fire. Primal features a mechanic where fire scares off most beasts, so fire attacks will typically scatter the canines and allow you to take them on separately.
- Wild cats: Wild cats are made up of jaguars, leopards and cave lions. They are much stronger and faster than canines, as well as possessing the ability to climb small ledges like the player. Again, the best way of dealing with them is to use fire attacks to scare and chase them.
- Apex predators: The apex predators are bears and sabre-tooth tigers. Both behave differently from each other. First, bears are not scared by fire and possess the ability to swim, however they also possess the weakness of being slower than other beasts. It is best to use bait to distract them or a speed boost to outrun them. The sabretooth are incredibly fast wild cats that deal a lot of damage. If you ever encounter one, it’s best to run with a speed boost. Bait is unreliable, as the sabretooth runs at such a high speed that they have a chance to outrun its range. It’s best to avoid them unless you need to hunt one.
- Cunning animals: Cunning animals are cave bears and badgers, they are on top of the food chain right before the bloodfang beasts. Cave bears are very strong bears that deal the most damage out of all the beasts but are otherwise identical to regular bears. Badgers are also strong animals but are also exceedingly slow, making it easy to outrun them. • Now that we have some basic descriptions and tips for the dangers of Oros, let’s dive into some main tips.
Tips and Tricks[]
- A list of some helpful, miscellaneous tips:
- 1. When going out at night, always ensure you have a fire source for the purpose of scaring off beasts.
- 2. Avoid fall damage by sliding down cliffs, don’t take unnecessary jumps. Primal fall damage is finicky.
- 3. You can light your surroundings with fire to scare beasts away from an area.
- 4. Scent trails identify rare animals from others. Rare animals leave long, yellow fog trails when you view them in hunter vision.
- 5. Pay attention to voices around you, like fights happening between enemies or potential nearby predators. The game can always potentially spawn something dangerous very close to you, just out of sight.
- 6. If you ever need animal skins in large quantities, try doing beast master hunt quests. They offer a large amount of specific animal skins and can be used as a quick, guaranteed source.
- 7. Loot enemies and check caches around you. Caches are usually behind rocks marked with a hand print which can be broken with your club.
- 8. Be careful of snakes, They can be heard and are found in bushes all across the map, even inside outposts.
- 9. When hunting for feathers, don’t bother trying to shoot crows. They're a skittish and sensitive animal that will fly away almost immediately. Instead, go to the north region where you will find flightless birds. These animals usually walk in pairs and can easily be killed, giving you an easy source of both feathers and meat. Similarly, in the south, you will find chickens that serve the same purpose.
- 10. Eagles are very dangerous birds which deal a lot of damage. When you hear their scream, get to the nearest tree or rock or dive in the water, ensuring you break line of sight and avoid them. This tip is especially helpful in the Woogah quest where you need to get rare feathers.
- 11. Wolves are very common at night across most of the map.
- 12. Tapirs only appear at night. Night time offers more rare animals and resources.
- 13. Sting bombs are extremely powerful weapons that can kill most enemies with a single use. Throw them at enemies who are clustered together.
- 14. When crouching, use spear charge to push you forward. It won't make any noise.
- 15. For survivor difficulty, always ensure you have enough meat on you. If you are low on stamina, fast travel to the nearest location or find a campfire. Remember stamina is fully refreshed when you sleep.
- 16. Detection meters in far cry primal build very quickly. Stay inside bushes, and when trying to liberate outposts or bonfires always scout the area and plan your route. You can either go all in with your beast or try to disturb the people in the camp by luring them outside of it, shooting animal cages or simply sending your beast inside. Same rule with bonfires. when you want to finish two groups of enemies at once, use bombs + your beast.
- 17. Some enemies will sleep during the night in outposts, allowing for easier breakthrough and fewer active enemies to deal with.
- 18. Remember you can always throw your club at enemies or charge forward by holding the fire button. Both maneuvers are good for closing the distance or stunning enemies who are charging you.
- 19. You can command your beasts to attack enemies. Beasts like bears can draw enemy attention in battle allowing you to engage from behind without taking fire.
- 20. Alarms in outposts come in two varieties: they are either carried by an enemy with a horn icon above their heads, or stationary alarms located on rocks with long wood columns rising from them. You can break alarms by burning the wood column or directly shooting them.
- 21. When liberating forts, use a mammoth. Simply find one and ride it to the fort, then let it do the rest. You obviously need to have the mammoth riding skill to do this. this tip is not efficient for fire screamer fort but it will help alot in Big darwa fort
- 22. When you want to light a club on fire but your current club is used up, throw it and then pick it up again. Takkar will switch to another club.
- 23. There is a glitch you can use to gain free throwing shards. To do it, you have to jump from a high place then hold the shard in mid-air. When you land it should keep one and throw one down, giving you a free one.
- 24. Multiple bait can be used attract a group of clustered predators, allowing you to hunt them easily.
- 25. Tame a wild cat as soon as possible, they're really good. I highly recommend trying to get the cave lions near the stone watch bonfire.
Far cry primal speedrun (ANY%)[]
Basic information about speedrunning:[]
To get a full idea about the run, rules and other players who already submitted their runs and hold World records (WR) check out speed running website that documents all of it, you can even upload your runs which will be submitted for review by other verified runners.
Important links:[]
speedrun.com: https://www.speedrun.com/fcp?h=Any-Expert_Survivor_PERMADEATH&x=jdr763x2-ylq9kd78.21dro43q
Primal map genie interactive map: https://mapgenie.io/far-cry-primal/maps/oros
Current WR for any% expert survival and easy: ESP:https://youtu.be/6L1H9aI Easy:https://youtu.be/HmQm4ef75HA
The Route:[]
When it comes to speedrunning far cry primal, you will have to first make a route to follow, this goes for all speedrunning categories as having a route organizes all your tasks and makes you familiar with it, its also a huge factor in improving speed. you can try to make a route yourself or use other people route, in this section we will discuss basic ideas for a route that is for Any% run
First 30 minutes:[]
in the first 30 minutes you need to make sure you got to the Attack of the Udam quest, first you must complete the prologue, deep wounds and vision of beasts, There are some things you can do along the way like lighting Nakuti bonfire, now lets start with the prologue. the intro in far cry primal doesnt have much improvising in it, you need to just get through the mission, there isnt a particular way to speed it up, once you fall down the mountain after getting attacked by the bloodfang sabertooth you must collect resources quickly, run around and get all resources necessary to get the bow, once you crafted the bow you need to kill three goats, there is a goat located ontop of cliff, the one with climbable tree roots hanging from it, you should try to get up there without climbing by simply jumping above the rocks, once you skinned the goat eat the meat to replenish your stamina so Takkar speed can be improved, hunt two more goats then get to the shelter and start the fire, afterwards craft the club and burn the vines with it, once you get to the wolves kill all of them and skin them as they will come in handy later when you want to craft huts, once you made it inside the cave keep going until you reach Sayla, now deep wounds mission begins,