Far Cry Wiki
Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry 5

VC Berserker

Viet Cong Berserker with his M133.

The Viet Cong Berserker is a type of Viet Cong in Hours of Darkness. They are the close quarter combat units of Viet Cong forces during the game. Aside from them, there are also NVA Berserkers.


They are guerrilla foot soldiers of Viet Cong and they are equipped with a M133 shotgun and they will approach the player so to deal with him greater damage. They might be more dangerous in areas like bunkers or houses. Their clothing is black shirts and pants, small pouch, bullet vest, boonie hat and sandals.


While both sides of Vietnam War indeed used shotguns, the Baikal MP-133 shotgun was developed in late 1990's and therefore never used in Vietnam War. This is likely because everything were from the memories and imagination of Wendell Redler.

