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This article appeared in Far Cry 5

VC Demo

Viet Cong Demolition with his 1911.

The Viet Cong Demolition is a type of Viet Cong in Hours of Darkness. They are the sabotage units of Viet Cong forces during the game. Aside from them, there are also NVA Demolitions.


They are guerrilla foot soldiers of Viet Cong and they are equipped with 1911 pistol and dynamites, and they will throw the latter at the player. Their clothing is black shirts and pants, check scarf, dynamite vest, and sandals. There are both sex in Demolition rank.


  • They are a combination of 2 enemy types: Pistolero and (molotov) thrower, except they are far deadlier than the latter since they have Dynamite instead of Molotov.
  • The game probably meant to portray them as Đặc Công (roughly mean "spec op" in Vietnamese language) units, judging by their pistols and explosives that would be suited for special operations.

