« | Find the missing McHelen's whiskey barrels submerged in the lake and bring them to Sherri. Remember, look for the red cross that marks the spot, and then follow the directions written near it. | » |
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Whiskey River is a side mission in Far Cry 5. It takes place at the Can of Worms Fishing Store in Faith's region of Henbane River. This mission has players collecting the Whiskey barrels that are hidden in the lake for Sherri Woodhouse. Some of the barrels will not be reachable without the Human Fish perk.
Talk to Sherri
Sherri Woodhouse will inform the deputy that her family had a history as moonshiners, and that after the shut down of the business decades ago, they've never had he family's signature McHelen 57 whiskey again. However, she's found a map left by her great-grandfather, and it reveals that there are still several casks of the vintage whiskey submerged in the lake nearby.
Sherri tasks the deputy with retrieving the whiskey, and will pay you for it.
Collect the Whiskey Barrels
The barrels can be found by looking for cross-shaped markers along the banks of the lake and nearby waterways, marked with a red symbol painted below them. A rope leading from the cross to the barrels can lead the deputy to them, but several of the barrels will not be obtainable withou the Human Fish perk.
Return to Sherri
Once the barrels are collected, return to Sherri, and she will give the deputy their reward for finding the barrels.
Talk to Sherry at the fishing store. This will start the mission and unlock the related map in the general store for players. They can purchase the map for $1,200. The entire search takes place in the Whitetail Mountains but they are spread a ways apart, in several locations. The casks are noted on the map by an X on the shore. The casks themselves are connected to air ballons via a cable.
- 200 Resistance Points (Henbane River)
- $850
- The mission name is a reference to the Willie Nelson song of the same name.
- Several barrels are impossible to retrieve without the Human Fish perk.
- The mission is not required to find whiskey barrels, but is required for the reward to be given.
- The mission must have been found by talking to Sherri for the ability to purchase the map reveal unlock in the store.